Monday, 11 May 2015

Me-Made-May 2015: Days 4-10

Oops, I'm behind on my Me-Made-May posts again! I meant to post yesterday, but forgot that it was Mother's Day so I was busy all day. Here's last week's outfits:

Monday, May 4

Shirt: Me-made (Bronte Top by Jennifer Lauren)
Cardigan: Me-made (Marion Cardigan by Andi Satterlund)
Jeans: RTW (Guess)
Belt: bought from a market
Shoes: Second-hand from the McGill clothing exchange (Sperry)

I wear both of these pieces so much - I'm so proud of the cardigan, and I love the print of the top! I hadn't actually realized how well they go together until wearing this outfit. The cardigan is the same colour as the darker dots on the top!

These shoes were the other pair that I bought of the McGill clothing exchange, along with my other pair of Sperries that I wore in my first MMM post.

Tuesday, May 5

Cardigan: Me-made (Muse Patterns Jenna Cardi)
Cami (not shown): RTW
Jeans: RTW (Guess)
Shoes: Consignment (Hego's)

This was supposed to be a rainy day, so I felt like I needed a cozy cardigan! I haven't yet blogged about this one, but it's my second version of the Jenna Cardi by Muse Patterns (first version here). This one is made in a wool double knit that I bought in Montreal, and fits much better than the first!

As you might have noticed, I got a haircut this day! My hair was getting a little too long to deal with, especially for summer. It was very fluffy for a few days after salon products, but now that it's calmed down a bit, I'm much happier with it.

Wednesday, May 6

Blouse: Me-made (Sewaholic Pendrell)
Cardigan: Thrifted (Jacob)
Jeans: RTW (Guess)
Shoes: Second-hand (Sperry)

My first *almost* outfit repeat... I wanted to try vary my outfits a little more, but I was in a hurry this morning and this was the only thing that didn't need ironing. This cardigan is one of my favourites! I usually look for brands that are higher quality and more expensive at thrift stores, but this Jacob cardigan is actually really nice wool! I think it must be a bit older judging by the label and the Woolmark logo. I think it probably shrunk in the wash at some point in its life, but it's my favourite length now and fits really well. 

I think I need to find a new pose for all these daily photos... I'm only realizing now how repetitive my photos are!

Thursday, May 7

Top: Me-made (unblogged, self-drafted)
Cardigan: Consignment (Jackpot)
Jeans: RTW (Guess)
Shoes: Second-hand (Sperry)

I keep telling myself that I will get rid of this top... and then don't. I even hide it from myself, and then find it months later and start wearing it again. I don't know why - it's really nothing that special. I guess I like the colour, and it's comfortable, but I did a horrible job making it and it's getting so worn out and stained.

Can you tell I like these jeans? I bought them in the fall when I wasn't allowed to wear skirts to any of my labs, and my other pair of jeans were falling apart. They fit surprisingly well for RTW - usually it's hard to find jeans small enough to fit me. The waistband is a little big, but they're the closest that I've found in a while. 

I've been wearing these jeans quite a bit more than usual lately, but mostly because it's been just a little too cold to wear skirts without tights, and I didn't bring any shoes back with me that look good with tights (silly, I know!).

On my to-sew list are the Ginger Jeans, but I just need to find some stretch denim! 

Friday, May 8

Dress: Me-made (Sewaholic Cambie)
Cardigan: Consignment (Jackpot)
Shoes: Second-hand (Sperry)

Finally, warm enough weather in Vancouver for dresses! It's so nice to be able to wear some of my favourite pieces again. I love this dress! 

Saturday, May 9

(shown - my evening outfit)
Dress: Me-made (Colette Moneta)
Purse: Mom-made (not sure of the pattern)
Shoes: Thrifted, possibly vintage (La Vallée Allegro)

(not shown - my day outfit)

Dress: Me-made (Colette Moneta)
Cardigan: Thrifted (Nicole Bridger)
Shoes: Second-hand (Sperry)

I was so busy that I forgot to take a picture of what I wore during the day! It was pretty much the same as what I wore on May 3, but with a cardigan while I was inside. I spent the day volunteering at Our Social Fabric's sale with my mom. It was my first time going to one of their sales, since all the previous ones happened while I was in Montreal. What a great organization! They're a non-profit group that re-sells fabric that would otherwise be thrown out. Almost everything is sold as pre-cut pieces, but they have some bolts that they sell (or give away), and they can also cut you pieces. Almost everything is $2 a metre! They only have sales every couple of weeks, and when they have them, they're completely volunteer-run. It was so much fun to meet the group.

In the evening, we went to Ballet BC's performance of Rite, two short contemporary ballets inspired by The Rite of Spring. I changed into a different Moneta dress, some jewelry, and some heels for the occasion. I love these shoes - I found them at a thrift store when I was home for Christmas. They're all leather and made in France, and had never been worn when I bought them. I'm not sure how old they are, but the brand doesn't seem to exist anymore. I found a pair by the same brand labeled as "vintage" on Ebay, but the logo looked older than the one on this pair. In any case, I love them!

Sunday, May 10

Cardigan: Consignment (Jackpot)
Shoes: Second-hand (Sperry)

This was Mother's Day, which we spent at the Vancouver Art Gallery and in Stanley Park for a barbeque dinner. Unfortunately the photos with the water in the background didn't turn out, but we had a beautiful view of the water from where we ate.

Despite how much I wear my many Moneta dresses, this remains one of my favourite dresses. I just love the print!

That's it for this week! I'm enjoying seeing everyone's photos on the flickr group and the Pinterest board (now, I just have to figure out how to pin my own the the board!)


  1. Your day 10 cambie is stunning! great work so far :)

  2. I love your Sunday Cambie! So cute :)

  3. I think finding suitable denim is probably THE hardest thing about sewing the Ginger jeans!

    1. I've actually found some denim - so hopefully I should be able to get started on them soon!
